Showgirl, 20 weeks, with large squishy crop..


8 Years
May 1, 2011
Hi Everyone...I am looking for some help. I have a 20 week old Showgirl that has a very large, squishy crop. She also feels as if she has lost a good deal of weight. They have been cooped up for the last few days except for a couple hours each day when it hasn't been raining. Until today, she was running around and acting normal. Today, when I let them out, she was standing around, sort of poofed up and had her neck tucked in. She was making little peeping noises and trying to hide under her other silkie friends. I picked her up, usually it takes two to catch her, and examined her for any injury or illness. I couldn't find anything except for her swollen, squishy crop. She doesn't look happy. Her eyes aren't bright and she is droopy and sleepy. Her poo was watery but the dark part was well formed. I didn't see her join in with the flock bread feeding.

I called the vet and he recommended that I give her olive oil and massage her crop. I mixed the olive oil with a little yogurt and gave her about a teaspoon. I then massaged her crop and put her back into a warm, quiet cage to rest.

What is my next step? Can someone tell me what I am dealing with? I read extensive threads about this and all seem to give different advice. There is no smell at all coming from her mouth/crop area.

Should I provide a molasses flush? Electrolytes?

Any advice would be appreciated. I don't have a problem taking her to the vet...I just want to do what I can for her to see if I can save the trip.
I am at a loss and don't know what else to do so I would really appreciate some help. I have researched and with so many differing opinions on treatments, I was really hoping for some good, sound advice...
Here is what had worked for me.

Keep this one separate from the others. Withhold any food for 24 hours but do give water with apple cider vinegar. During the initial 24 hours it is very important ot only give the water with the ACV in it. Also, massage the crop to try to break things up in there and get things moving along through the digestive tract.
I then gave some oil soaked bread after the 24 hour period if the crop seems to be empty. If not, keep up with the massage & ACV until it appears empty.
Give the oil soaked bread first and if all goes OK, you can then give yogurt and progress back to chicken feed. Keep an eye on her afterward to be sure it doesn't return.

I hope this helps and she is back to herself in no time! I must warn you it is hard to with hold food for 24 hours and I did give in with mine and give her some food too soon only having to start the process all over again. It wasn't hard on her, I felt guilty and caved in!
Please let us know how she is doing!!!
After the dose of yogurt and olive oil and some massages, her crop is getting smaller. She is still acting very sick. I gave her ACV water and then some poly vi sol with an eye dropper. I then mixed some poly vi sol in her water. She seems to really need some nutrition. I wasn't sure that the ACV would be good enough for that. However, if you think that the ACV is necessary for recovery I will continue to give vitamins via syringe and will refill her waterer with ACV water. She is still pooping pretty much normally except for it being more water than normal.

Thanks, Lisa for responding!
I am glad things are going in the right direction. Yes, the vitamins are fine to give for treatment if she seems weak. The ACV will help control the yeast growing in the crop and the yogurt helps with getting the good bacteria in her digestive tract. If she is weak, do you have the vitamins that also have electrolytes in it? It might help to perk her up a bit!
I would continue with the massage, vitamins & ACV tonight and see how her crop is in the morning. I am hoping she will be her old self real soon!!!
I have nutridrench, electrolytes, sav a chick and poly vi sol.....which would be the best?
Aaaah yeast....I see you are in PA, too. We have had so much rain that I wouldn't be surprised by a yeast problem. So, do you think I should put the ACV back into the water and just give vitamins orally? I have only had chickens since May 1st and I am getting a crash course in every known chicken problem imaginable. From coccidia to this, plus my silkies getting pecked hard enough to cause neurological damage! I have a silkie inside right now recovering from a hard blow/peck to the head. I only hope that she recovers. She is my prettiest splash silkie chick!
Oh I know this rain has been horrible! I hope you are not flooding and you and your chickens are OK!
If she doesn't give you too much trouble taking them orally then I would continue to do that and definitely keep with the ACV. You can actually keep going with the ACV a few days after the sour crop is gone. I put ACV in all of my waterers every week or two as a preventative also.
I think any one of the supplements you have will be fine. I personally like the Poly vi sol if I feel they need more nutrition. I had a sick girl and it seemed when I switched from the poly vi sol to the vitamins from the feed store she deteriorated but when I went back to the poly vi sol she did better so I prefer the poly vi sol but will use the one with lytes from the feed store if I feel they need the lytes more.
You sound like me! I started with chickens last May and I am getting close to being an expert with the chicken diseases!
LOL The sour crop was my first chicken disease experience. You will be a chicken expert in no time because it does sound like you are getting a crash course!!!

I hope your silkie does recover also and it sounds like you have your hands full right now. What is happening with your silkie?
I will keep with the ACV and poly vi sol. I, also, put ACV in waterers every week to 2 weeks. I just think this weather has been terrible! As far as the silkie, I've had two with this problem. Both, I witnessed being pecked hard to the head. I even posted a thread on here about it. They start out with what seems to be an uncontrollable head tick. Like shaking their heads at 90 mph. The first, I brought in, babied, gave extra protein and poly vi sol. Allowed him, I think it's a him
, to roam around in my small backyard, I use it as a grow out pen, with my younger chicks. Took about a month but he is now back up in the coop with everyone else. He slowly stopped ticking. Finally, only cold stuff would bring it on. As for this one, same thing. The ticking was worse. Brought in, treated, and everything seemed fine. Put her out to play with the little ones and one of them decided to jump on her. Ticking returned
This time, I'm hoping I can get it to stop but I'm not sure I can. It doesn't seem to be getting better. Otherwise, she is very healthy and robust. She was older than the first though and I think that made a big difference.

As for the showgirl, I haven't gotten a chance to go see her yet. I have three brooders of babies/sick chickens in my kitchen, 4 dogs and 3 brooders of various age/sick chickens in my basement. I start upstairs and work my way down. Plus, I homeschool two of my kids, 7 and 16, and my allergies are killing me.....Oh well, enough whining...I'll keep you posted on everyone

Thanks again for all the advice!
You can also use bird formula to supplement for/with food. I had a Silkie with chronic crop issues last year and per my vet I used bird fomula(from the pet store). Mix it with a little yogurt and water real thin and offer that. It's loaded with all the good stuff, they use it to hand feed baby parrots etc.... that are not with their mother. You can also mix a small amount of crumble food in with it. Just be ure to watch her crop to make sure that everythign is passing through.

There is a section under disease/illness on impacted crops also that may help, the ACV works wonders as a treatment and in the water regular basis. Make sure you have plastic waterers the vinegar will corrode metal waters. Hope it helps

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