showing birds


8 Years
Aug 20, 2015
DFW Texas
Howdy all! I showed turkeys in high school through FFA, but wanted to get into showing some poultry as an out of high school individual. I found the APA, but seems as if their shows are sort of freelance around the country. Any ways to get into shows in my location?
Haha freelance was a bad choice of words. Independently hosted was what I was going for. Looks like they're put on by individuals and not the actual association and then they have association certified judges
What area are you in? You can go to shows hosted by clubs PNPA (Pacific Northwest Poultry Association) has it's own show or the Washington Feather Fanciers host two a year. I know there are clubs like this throughout the state I only used those two as an example because those shows are in my area. You can probably go on Facebook or just the interweb and look up shows like this in your area. As far as I'm aware you don't have to be a member in these clubs to show.
Most shows listed on poultry show central are Sactioned, meaning the points won will go to either the APA or ABA or both and will be required to have hired licensed judges. If the show doesn't specify if they are sanctioned on their website or show book then just ask, they will be happy to tell you.
If you want points from a show, you have to be a member, but otherwise you almost never have to be one to show.
Haha freelance was a bad choice of words. Independently hosted was what I was going for. Looks like they're put on by individuals and not the actual association and then they have association certified judges

That is how Poultry Shows work... The APA doesn't put on Poultry Shows. The shows are put on by individual clubs or people.


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