Showing chickens?


7 Years
May 25, 2012
Near Amarillo Texas
I am new to the whole chicken thing and really had no idea there was even shows beyond FFA and the like. Now I am not saying I will go any farther than having them in my backyard but I am interested in learning more about showing chickens. I have shown cats off and on for the last 10 or so years. Bathing hard to care for animals is nothing new to me I dabbled in persians during my time of showing cats.

My main questions are this.
How exactly do you give a chicken a bath? Does it harm them, wash oils or what ever out of the feathers? Do I need to clip nails, beaks, feathers? And how do I do this?

Also is there a pedigree type thing with chickens? how do you keep track of the parentage?

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