

9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
I'm really wanting to start showing silkies. I've had them before and planned on showing but something happened and then I got rid of all my chickens. I've missed them so much and have decided to get back into them but this time not just as pets but as show birds for a hobby. I could only keep about 4 silkies and no roosters cause i live in the city. I've always thought that you had to be involved in 4h or ffa to show them is that true? I'm not interested in showing thru them so how do you get to show? How do you find shows? Do you just show up with your birds? My plans are to get hatching eggs from show quality silkies and hatching them. How do you go about determining which ones to keep for show? And also how do you raise them? In metal rabbit type cages from when they are babies or when they are older or in a brooder and then a coop outside? I'm just totally lost and am in need of information so I know what I'm doing. Thanks to all that reply in advance!
I show Salmon Faverollse through FFA. When I was showing, you had to be part of a group to take your bird out on the table to answer questions, if you went in a group, you never take your bird out, the judge only looks at it. I only do local fairs. You should be able to find a fair book and fill in the showing page application and mail it in, you would only do open class though(that's for all who are not in a group)
I hand raised my chicks in a apple bin in our garage. While they were growing, I built a coop and run out in the back. I let them free range in the back yard every day so there never in the coop/run hardly at all.
To be in FFA you have to be in high school or younger. How do people out of high school show their chickens? Can someone else help me out? is a link to :
"Exhibition Poultry" Online Magazine which is published by Ann Charles who has this great website (which also has show results) :
EP is free each month, I don't know if it costs to access the issue archive or not.
Best Success,
Karen in western PA, USA
Where else can I find the information I am looking for?
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Thanks for the links I will check them out when I get home! Anyone else that could give me more information please comment it would be greatly appreciated! :)
It really seems like this community has went down... People are not near as willing to help anymore.
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It really seems like this community has went down... People are not near as willing to help anymore.
Hi Ducks,
Have you tried the silkie threads?
I don't show but sent links about showing. Or try the Heritage Large Fowl thread at BYC.
A lot of elite veteran breeders who also show there. Very willing to help. Know at least one has silkie.
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