Shredded paper as litter?


Super Chick
11 Years
Feb 9, 2008
Central Michigan
Anyone use shredded paper as little for newborn chicks? I was thinking it would work well, instead of pine chips. My neighbor works for an accountant and brought me a big bag of shredded paper and can get me more. So far it is working great for our new guinea pig and is less messy than pine shavings/chips.
It packs down too easy with chickens. Just turns to a smelly dirty rock!
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I thought about using shredded paper as well. We have bags and bags of it at work. I was kinda worried about the chicks trying to eat it though. I normally have some at the house for starting bon fires, works great for that.
I use it for lining my brooder box, but replace it every morning. It gets nasty otherwise. But so much easier than spraying out the box every day like I used to. Maybe it depends on how many chicks you have. I only had 4.

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