Sick 3yr old hen


In the Brooder
Jan 27, 2015
Cottonwood, CA
My 3year old hen has been sick for about 2 weeks. I can't remember the last time I found one of her eggs (flock of 8 hens).
A friend suggested she's might be egg bound and to use a gloved finger up the hen's vent to feel for an egg by I didn't feel anything and didn't want to insert in too much.
She is able to stand up only temporarily and then she falls over. She primarily lays on her side until she is able to claw her way to sitting up and then waddles around.
I have had her secluded from the others for the past week.
She's eating but not much drinking much. I have put an antibiotic powder dissolved in her water hoping that would help.
I have been treating her with Diatomaceaous Earth (DE) for the last week because she did have quite the infestation. I've given her several warm baths over the past few days and have been removing the nit sacks.
I'm at a loss of what's wrong or what I can do. I have attached pictures following her bath today.


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That is a serious infestation and the cause of her weakness. DE will not help; its use in general is questionable at best. You can use Permethrin spray; make sure it is one for use on animals (I have a cat flea-spray that is ideal). It may be a good idea to worm her, in addition, as internal parasites could also be contributing to her situation.

Make sure to feed her plenty of protein; boiled mashed up egg and UNMEDICATED baby chick crumb are good choices.

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