Sick and weak chicken! Help me!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 3, 2012
Alright so my right leghorn flopsy who I've had for about a year and a half has been acting strange.
She's all huntched up, laying down a lot, looking weak, and not laying any eggs!
I did everything I could to treat for egg binding in a hen, (bathe in warm water, massage, etc.) and I don't think that's the issue.
Last winter I treated her for constipation (using prune juice) and it did the trick! But now.. Not so much. She eats very little, poops little, and passes mostly urates.
I've isolated her from the rest and now she's sitting in the corner of the kennel with the feathers on her back raised.
What is the problem here?!
She's been like this three or four days..
Could it be mites????? Help me!
Check her crop. Is it squishy, small, or hard? These symptoms might indicate a crop problem. A squishy crop might indicate sour crop, a small crop would show that she's not eating enough, and a hard crop would mean that the crop is impacted.

Mites, in large numbers, could cause weakness. Check around the vent, under the tail/neck feathers, and under the wings. They will appear as small blackish-brown specks crawling around. Treatment would consist of a mite spray, like Poultry Protector, Sevin dust (10% works better than 5%), or other products like Frontline spray or Adams Flea and Tick shampoo.

I believe that she might have worms. Does she feel lightweight? Its not usually a good idea to worm birds when they are sick or debilitated, but if worms are the problem, you will need to worm her. Safeguard is the safest, but Valbazen and the product that I use, called the Worminator (, are other choices that work well too.

I would have suspected egg binding , but you've already attempted to treat for that. I do have other possiblities, though. Does her abdomen feel hard? This might mean that she is an internal egg layer. Or, is her abdomen squishy and fluid filled? She might have an acumulation of fluid called Ascites or Egg Yolk Peronitis.

I hoped I've helped!
Check her crop. Is it squishy, small, or hard? These symptoms might indicate a crop problem. A squishy crop might indicate sour crop, a small crop would show that she's not eating enough, and a hard crop would mean that the crop is impacted. Mites, in large numbers, could cause weakness. Check around the vent, under the tail/neck feathers, and under the wings. They will appear as small blackish-brown specks crawling around. Treatment would consist of a mite spray, like Poultry Protector, Sevin dust (10% works better than 5%), or other products like Frontline spray or Adams Flea and Tick shampoo. I believe that she might have worms. Does she feel lightweight? Its not usually a good idea to worm birds when they are sick or debilitated, but if worms are the problem, you will need to worm her. Safeguard is the safest, but Valbazen and the product that I use, called the Worminator ( ), are other choices that work well too. I would have suspected egg binding , but you've already attempted to treat for that. I do have other possiblities, though. Does her abdomen feel hard? This might mean that she is an internal egg layer. Or, is her abdomen squishy and fluid filled? She might have an acumulation of fluid called Ascites or Egg Yolk Peronitis. I hoped I've helped!
Well you are very informative! Thank you! I've checked her for mites, nothing out of the ordinary. Felt her crop, nothing squishy, or really all that hard, but firm like my other hens. I think I'm gunna try worming her.. Doesn't vinegar in the water do the trick? I mean honestly she feels fine, but looks depressed more than anything. Maybe she's just sick and weak? I'm giving her some water with electrolytes in it. Hopefully she'll be better. But I want to try worming. How much vinegar in say... 3 cups of water?
Well you are very informative!
Thank you!
I've checked her for mites, nothing out of the ordinary.
Felt her crop, nothing squishy, or really all that hard, but firm like my other hens.
I think I'm gunna try worming her..
Doesn't vinegar in the water do the trick? I mean honestly she feels fine, but looks depressed more than anything. Maybe she's just sick and weak? I'm giving her some water with electrolytes in it. Hopefully she'll be better.
But I want to try worming.
How much vinegar in say... 3 cups of water?
Vinegar does not work as a dewormer, though it does have other helpful properties.
If you want to worm her, and you live in the US, go to a feed store and buy some fenbendazole 10%, it's sold as Safeguard or Panacur and in come in liquid or paste. You find it the the cattle, goat and horse sections. Don't let anyone try to sell you Wazine, it only gets roundworms.

The dose of the liquid and the paste is the same. I give 50mg/kg (.5 ml per 2.2 pounds).

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