sick baby turkey


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009
We've had our baby turkeys for over a month and one of them died last week with what seems to be like a stroke. Now our other turkey is acting the same way. We've been up all night giving her fluids. Can anyone help us with some advice? She is alert but can not walk well and seems weak.
Welcome to BYC. Sorry for your troubles. I'll pm a mod and see if they won't move this message over to the EMERGENCIES section (more eyeballs).
If you've got electrolytes in the water (or molasses and vinegar) just keep giving her that every hour on the hour. If you've got some homemade yogurt or plain, unflavored yogurt see if you can get some of that down her. I just went through this with one of mine and he's up and around and doing fine though now he's spoiled rotten from all the attention. Good luck.

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