Sick bantam chick HELP


5 Years
Jan 29, 2016
I got 2 chicks and 6 ducklings a week ago at a feed store the day they got them in. The two bantam chicks were the same size now one has doubled the size and the other one looks smaller and boney then when I got it. It is always cold even when under a heat lamp and all the others act normal and it sleeps all the time it won't stay with the others it just stands there. What should I do it looks like it may only last a day or two more at most
If you think it could be sick, Separate it! Do not risk spreading disease to your healthy ones! There is little to help chicks other than extra vitamins and mineral waters, I hope it makes it through...
Get some SaveAChick or other poultry vitamin electrolyte solution, and start dipping the chick's beak into it as often as possible. Until you get those a quart of water with a teaspoonful of sugar and a small pinch of salt will help. Some chicks can be weak or suffer from shipping stress, and keeping it warm and giving electrolytes can sometimes help. Make sure the chick does not have droppings stuck on it's vent (or pasty butt. That would need to be cleaned off or it could die.
So sorry about losing your chick. Bantams can be a little harder to raise, but hopefully, your other will live. I would quickly go get another 1-2 chicks for company if possible. At a week's age they will accept another chick easily, but it gets complicated to wait. Try a little mirror so it can see itself, and a fuzzy stuffed animal for your chick to snuggle.

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