sick bard

Hi. Probiotics are great following an antibiotic treatment. They help rebuild the "normal" bacteria that a chicken needs to fight the "bad" bacteria.

Enteritis is caused when worms, cocci, or bacteria damage the small intestine. Coccidiosis is when cocci damage the large intestine. If a bird is older, I just treat for all of it. Not everyone may agree with me, but I feel I have nothing more to lose if I treat them for all the common bugs, which would be cocci, clostridium, e.coli, worms and staph.

Some people like to treat illness with natural ingredients. However, my personal strategies do not include anything that puts my chickens in greater risk for dying, which may include 'natural" treatments.
Wishing you the best of luck. It really sounds like your trying everything. I wouldn't recommend DE in the coop. It is an irritant to the lungs and chicks have a really sensitive upper breathing system. It's not worth the few bugs it may or may not work on.
On the label there is a caution to humans to not breathe in the dust and to wear protection when using. Chickens are way more susceptible to breathing issues then we are. Kind Regards

I totally agree about the no DE in the coop thing. Especially if your coop has poor ventilation. However, It is nice to provide DE in one corner of the run, but where your chickens don't HAVE to breathe it in. I say this because, although it can be a lung irritant, it has many health benefits that, in my opinion, outweigh the risk. This being said, if your run is extremely small or your chickens live in a coop full-time, use DE in small amounts and with cation, making sure there coop/sleeping spot is well ventilated and dust free. Good luck!
I totally agree about the no DE in the coop thing. Especially if your coop has poor ventilation. However, It is nice to provide DE in one corner of the run, but where your chickens don't HAVE to breathe it in. I say this because, although it can be a lung irritant, it has many health benefits that, in my opinion, outweigh the risk. This being said, if your run is extremely small or your chickens live in a coop full-time, use DE in small amounts and with cation, making sure there coop/sleeping spot is well ventilated and dust free. Good luck!

My birds only sleep and lay eggs I dont confine them to the coop all day I let them out early in the morning. They have an entire 8" screend section of coop at top with a drop down shutter. My hubby built the house so that when cleaned the dust is blown out the other end because of the direction the wind tends to blow so there is plenty ventilation and closed just enough to keep eggs from bursting in 19*weather we are having. I dont keep heaters or lights on either. I give sand DE and wood ash as a dirt bath. Sand doubles as grit if not getting it from our driveway lol
My birds only sleep and lay eggs I dont confine them to the coop all day I let them out early in the morning. They have an entire 8" screend section of coop at top with a drop down shutter. My hubby built the house so that when cleaned the dust is blown out the other end because of the direction the wind tends to blow so there is plenty ventilation and closed just enough to keep eggs from bursting in 19*weather we are having. I dont keep heaters or lights on either. I give sand DE and wood ash as a dirt bath. Sand doubles as grit if not getting it from our driveway lol

Sounds like you have some lucky hens! :)
Update.. watching her off and one meander and peck around she is no longer puffing up and sleepy.
She is working on cleaning and pruning. . Thats a big plus! The twitch was more normal movements. I stopped with the Pig Swig. She however refused to eat like she did yesterday and at first wouldn't drink till later this evening. Poop looks much better and im still getting bird seed undigested showing up even though yesterday nor today have I gave her any.

And this after drinking a cup of water after waiting half the day

The only thing she wanted to eat later as I tried getting her to eat was egg and spinach. . LOVES it! Thats the green in her poop now. She is more talkative and argumentative. I think thittþqngs maybe improving.
Sounds like you have some lucky hens! :) 

I can only try I dont think today was one of them days. I haven't the means to keep the water from freezing and I didnt get time from sick chicken to put extra hay down so feet werent so cold. Wind chill is going to be bad im going to see about a heat lamp to be placed up in top over the water can and maybe they can go in to drink???

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