Sick Barred Rock?


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
Hey everyone,
So a few weeks ago I had one of my 4 hens pass away of old age. She was the leader and took care of the other three. She had a best friend (they both are barred rocks) who is about 3 years old who hasn't been acting the same ever since. My two silkies seem fine but my super friendly and energetic barred rock seems really lethargic and isn't herself. I've also noticed her poops are bright green and super runny. She is still eating from what I see, I just don't know how to help her. She's the most friendly hen I've ever had. Any ideas?
Chickens do not handle change very well..She is stressed I believe...Give her time...My Black Ameruacana died this past spring from a heart attack and her best friend my lavender Orpington was lost and stopped laying for three weeks...It takes time...A new pecking order will take place...

Hey everyone,
So a few weeks ago I had one of my 4 hens pass away of old age. She was the leader and took care of the other three. She had a best friend (they both are barred rocks) who is about 3 years old who hasn't been acting the same ever since. My two silkies seem fine but my super friendly and energetic barred rock seems really lethargic and isn't herself. I've also noticed her poops are bright green and super runny. She is still eating from what I see, I just don't know how to help her. She's the most friendly hen I've ever had. Any ideas?
Can you post some pictures of her poop? Bright green poop is a sure sign she is sick, especially if she's still eating.

I know they are expensive, but I think your hen might die if you don't take her.

Do you know how much it might cost? I might be able to pay for it myself. I've ordered some antibiotics and gave her some poultry nutri-drench. I've gotten her to eat some plain yogurt and mealworms as well.

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