Sick Bird - Wry Neck and Gurgles?


Jun 1, 2022
I'm hoping to get some advice on my 18 week silkie pullet. We are on her second bout of wry neck. She had it when she was just a week old and we announced her back to health and last Friday it reared its ugly head again. I have her isolated in a crate in the house. I am now feeding her a mash of her grower, crumble, egg, and vitamin e. She's doing really good. Her spirits and energy are great. Her poops are normal. Everything is going really well except for recovery takes time. My question is that I noticed when I'm feeding her her little belly gurgles a little bit. I googled it and saw that it can be all kinds of different infections, but she doesn't have any other symptoms. She doesn't have any sinus symptoms or breathing problems or swollen eyes or anything else. Just a little belly gargle out here now and then. Is it anything I should be concerned about, and if so, what are my best next steps?
No. One little crop gurgle does not mean infection. It means a little air, maybe gas. It does mean you should keep an eye on her for any behavior change. That would send up a warning flag something may be going amiss.

The wisest thing to do is check her crop each morning for a few days before she has access to food and water. If a problem is developing, her crop will not be empty in the morning.

If that happens, return to this thread and let us know. We can advise you what to do.
Will do! Thank you so much! It has happened on two or three occasions while I'm feeding her but she is otherwise doing really good. So I'm hopeful it's just because I'm feeding her soft mash and things are moving around in there. Thank you again!!
No. One little crop gurgle does not mean infection. It means a little air, maybe gas. It does mean you should keep an eye on her for any behavior change. That would send up a warning flag something may be going amiss.

The wisest thing to do is check her crop each morning for a few days before she has access to food and water. If a problem is developing, her crop will not be empty in the morning.

If that happens, return to this thread and let us know. We can advise you what to do.

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