Sick birds - Help please!


Oct 18, 2018
I have 30 assorted breeds in a 30'x30' free range enclosure. They have all stopped laying going on 2 weeks now. Odd odour in coup, some yellow/mustard poop, loosing feathers but still eating and drinking. DE earth in food and fresh dirt bath. Help please!
Not sure about the yellow poop but just sounds like they are molting. Which is
I have 30 assorted breeds in a 30'x30' free range enclosure. They have all stopped laying going on 2 weeks now. Odd odour in coup, some yellow/mustard poop, loosing feathers but still eating and drinking. DE earth in food and fresh dirt bath. Help please!
when they loose their feathers and regrow new ones. They often do not lay while molting. To help speed the process you can add more protein to their diet.
Could be molt, could be the shortening daylight hours, could be both. Where are you located generally? How old are the birds? Lots of feathers laying around usually means molt, also you can examine them to see if there are pin feathers coming in which would also mean molt. If you are seeing a lot of yellow droppings it could be a sign of something, if it's only some it could just be normal cecal droppings which happen a few times a day, smell much worse than regular droppings, and color and consistency can vary.
If you think it's something abnormal see if your vet will do a fecal test to check for internal parasites. (DE is not going to do anything for them, I would not use it).

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