Sick chicken. Cannot find definitive answer.


Aug 13, 2020
I have 7 chickens. This morning let them out for fresh air. One was acting lethargic and wouldn't move around much.
Acting sick but has an appetite. Just sits in the grass and wont move around.
She went back into the run and sat in the corner.
This is her eyes.
They were hatched January 22, 2019
I got them from MyPetChicken and they were vaccinated.
It looks like it may be mareks but I don't know how to confirm this. any advice would be appreciated.


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I don
I have 7 chickens. This morning let them out for fresh air. One was acting lethargic and wouldn't move around much.
Acting sick but has an appetite. Just sits in the grass and wont move around.
She went back into the run and sat in the corner.
This is her eyes.
It looks like it may be mareks but I dont know how to confirm this. any advice would be appreciated.
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I don't know the cause but YOU NEED TO SEPERATE HER. If it is mareks or anything else it is likely to be highly contagious. She needs to be seperated.
Already done, but I need to know if I should just, deal with her, or is it something else?
If it is contagious I am sure they have already all been exposed so I am hoping for a different prognosis.
have her isolated and I am going to monitor her for the next. days. week, i dont know...
Ill see what happens

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