Sick Chicken help Diagnosing PLEASE!

mixed flock

In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 17, 2012
I have a gorgeous Americauna Hen I named her Penny. Lately she has lost some weight, likes to stand alone close to my house her lower eyelids close and she sleeps standing up all day with her feathers fluffed out like she is cold even on 80 degree days. Tonight I picked her up to put her in the pen because she wasnt moving, and she squaked like wrrrah wrrragh but quietly. She doesnt appear to be molting, and she hasnt laid me an egg for a month, I know because she lays green eggs. Her comb has changed to a bluish color on the very top. I have 12 other chickens 1 of which is trying to hatch out 15 babies. I am afraid Penny might get the chicks sick, and I want her to feel better!
Is there any suggestions as to what I should do?
She could be egg bound or have egg yolk peritonitis....just a couple thoughts. When theircombs start turning blue, they are not getting enough oxygen to their bodies. Standing puffed and alone is also a sign of coccidiosis..unusual in an older bird but can be treated using Corid. I don't think that what she has is contagious but she probably in need of some special treatment. A nice quiet place in the warm and dark to try and recover. She also could use some extra protein, scrambled egg, and some vitamins. I'm not sure what kind of antibiotic at this point. Hopefully, someone will be able to answer more questions for you.
Thankyou for your response, hopefully it wont spread to my chicks that are about to hatch.......... As of right now she is alone somewhere in the rain, and I cant find her, if she doesnt come back I am hoping she is in a better place and no longer suffering :-(
Worm her. It's been 4 weeks, I think she'd be in much rougher shape if she were egg bound or had peritonitis. So many times when chickens die of seeminglyh unknown causes, people do a neocropsy and find the bird laden with parasites.

Give her Wazine first. If she has a bad parasitic load, you don't want to kill all of the bugs at once. Then in 10 days give her 1/2 CC of Valbazen or Safeguard (its a goat wormer more readily found in feed stores than Valbazen). Look up worming, there are tons of threads with good advice.

But I'd worm her to try and narrow down what might be wrong with her. Worms can kill a chicken -- literally suck the life out of them.
Thankyou She is in her own cage away from the flock, and has just been staring at the back of the cage..... It makes me sad to see her like this. I will run to the feed store again today and get her some wormer!

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