Sick chicken HELP


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I have a 9 month old chicken and I have read and read trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with her and i'm just unsure. So backing up from Wednesday evening, we were in the yard doing yard work, we let our chickens out when we are home to free range. Reese is always the first one out the door running around. She is the only chicken we have that does not like to be cuddled and held. She will let you pick her up but then she want's to run around right away so her norm is very active. Thursday day we were gone all day and did not get home until after 9pm so they did not get out all Thursday. I woke up this morning and went to let them all out and she was laying down by the door. usually that is where she will sit when she sees us to be the first to run out the door. but she laid there and did not get up. VERY unusual! I got their bowls to cut them fresh veggies like we do every day and i looked over and she was right next to me but her eyes were closed. So when I had my back to her, she must have walked 3 ft to where i was. I picked her up and she just laid in my arms with her eyes closed. I put her back down to see how she would walk and she did not want to move. She obviously walked to where i was when my back was turned but i did not see how she walked. After getting their veggies all the chickens followed me back into the coop to eat and i put the bowl right in front of her and she did not eat anything. I'm worried cause she has no appetite nor have i seen her drink. We took a syringe and gave her water but still no food yet. I have brought her inside in a little crate with food and water but she is just laying there. she will open her eyes then quickly close them. her breaths are deep, long and slow, if that makes sense. When i tried to make her walk by patting her on the bottom she would take a step but did not want to mover her left leg as much and kind of tilted on her right and almost fell over. I do not see any injuries on her leg or side. i checked all under her feathers to see if there was a wound or something but i can't find anything. When I held her she pooped on me and it was watery clear and a little white. I'm only 1 year into having chickens and haven't had many problems this far. I just can't seem to find online after reading through so many articles what might be the problem. I hope there is someone out there who might have had a similar problem and could help. thank you OH also to me her comb , waddle & face seems more pale than usual. all of my chickens have bright red combs and waddles.

Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Has she been wormed lately? Does her crop feel empty or full? Can you look her skin over completely for signs of lice or mites? Certain diseases such as coccidiosis and enteritis can cause symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, diarrhea, and a poor appetite. Corid is best for coccidiosis. A stool sample taken to your vet to check for worms, cocci, and bacteria may be a good option. Gizzard blockage can occur from things that block the digestive tract. Have you seen any other ill chickens?
I felt her crop and it feels empty. I will look over all her skin and see if there is any bugs. I did not see any this morning but did not look over her whole body. These fuzzy footed girls are so fluffy LOL She was vaccinated when I purchased them from crackle hatchery last may. Do they sell Corid at the feed store like tractor supply? would it be wise to just go ahead and give her some? wormed? not something i knew i had to do. Like i said this is new to me and i had no idea that was something i had to do (never heard of it) All my other girls (8 of them) are all fine and the only problem we had ever was one of them blew up like a tennis ball when they were 2 weeks old but that went down and she was fine ever since.
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Corid is sold in most feed stores and TSC in the cattle medicines in powder packets or small bottles of liquid. Dosage is 2 tsp. of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days as the only source of water, and change it daily. For worming, I prefer Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer.

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okay thank you very much! would it be necessary to have the rest of my flock drink it as well? or not unless they show signs of the same thing? I have her separated right now in a kennel in my house. I appreciate your help!
It won't hurt them to drink it, but if they are all her age they may have built up immunity to cocci. She could just have decreased immunity.
I appreciate all your help. We were getting ready to leave to get the corid and I heard her flapping her wings in the kennel I went over to see her head laying sideways and gasping for air. She passed in my hands.
We got the stuff to make sure the others done get sick.

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