Sick chicken, I think...


10 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Mohave County, Arizona
I think one of my chickens is sick. She didn't want any of the scraps I gave them this morning so I watched her for a while. She's just standing there sort of puffed outwith her eyes half closed. Everybody else is fine.

I have been getting some really tiny and odd shaped eggs from one of the chickens lately. Here's my thread about that, with pics.

I have researched, but I can't find anything helpful.
Thank you for the link. I found another one that explains egg drop syndrome in more detail.

She doesn't have sour crop or lice or a cold. Yesterday morning I found a clump of shavings in the nest box that looked like it was being held together by a clear mucus, most likely the egg white? Later that day I observed her sitting in the nest box for hours but didn't lay. Then today there was a broken thin shelled egg in the nest box, along with 2 normal eggs and a normal egg on the coop floor.

(They all want to use the same box and refuse to use the other 3. I've actually seen them fight over the box when they want to lay. Stubborn birds. LOL)

Anyway, she seems to be doing much better today. She's eating like before and her crop is nice and full again. She's active and not puffed up anymore. So maybe she was having a hard time expelling an egg? I haven't found anymore tiny or odd shaped eggs. If she continues to have problems, I may decide to end her suffering.

Thank you to all who replied.
Thank you for the link. I found another one that explains egg drop syndrome in more detail.

She doesn't have sour crop or lice or a cold. Yesterday morning I found a clump of shavings in the nest box that looked like it was being held together by a clear mucus, most likely the egg white? Later that day I observed her sitting in the nest box for hours but didn't lay. Then today there was a broken thin shelled egg in the nest box, along with 2 normal eggs and a normal egg on the coop floor.

(They all want to use the same box and refuse to use the other 3. I've actually seen them fight over the box when they want to lay. Stubborn birds. LOL)

Anyway, she seems to be doing much better today. She's eating like before and her crop is nice and full again. She's active and not puffed up anymore. So maybe she was having a hard time expelling an egg? I haven't found anymore tiny or odd shaped eggs. If she continues to have problems, I may decide to end her suffering. :(

Thank you to all who replied.

Two of my turkeys have been laying those shell-less eggs and I read that some people treat with calcium, so I gave each hen 500mg of calcium and 1000 I.U. of D3. Much to my surprise, one has started laying eggs with shells. However, one of the hen is acting like maybe one is stuck, so I need to try the steam/warm bath and some OB lube and massage.
I really don't think it's a calcium deficiency as none of the other hens are having any problems and the rest of her eggs have all been hard shelled, just tiny and deformed. Plus they eat really well, lots of protein and calcium added to their diets. I'm hoping it's just the shorter days and colder weather slowing down her production. All the hens are about 1 1/2 years old.

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