Sick Chicken... Maybe


Nov 16, 2016
Fort Collins, CO
For the last couple of days my 5 month old chicken hasn't left the coop more than a couple of times. She just sits on her roost all day. Large green, watery poop with whitish center, but she may have been eating the beets I put out for them all. She seems fine otherwise, curious and alert (she noticed my new glittery acrylics) but she does seem a bit ****** off. Puffed up on the roost. She doesn't mind me touching her. Crop is normal. Feathers are kept. Seriously doubt she would have worms (has none of the symptoms associated with worms). She hasn't lost weight, but I haven't seen her eat. Not odd given that I'm not out there all day, but she's not coming out to eat their morning food stuffs with the other chickens. There's food and water in the coop for her (coup is heated). No one else is sick. What else could be up?

Also, can quail get coccidiosis? If that is what this is, will it spread to the quail? They are in a different building from the chickens and never touch the ground (babies), but they are sharing food at the moment (just for the last couple of days because I ran out of quail food and haven't made it to town).
I'm not sure...Sorry to be of so little help..

If ur chicken is rlly sick and showing signs of pain and discomfort, I would bring her inside, in a warm, safe environment. Give her food and water - try dipping her beak gently in water to get her to drink..Also, you might want to put sugar in the water to entice her.. Does she have a favorite treat? Sprinkle some in her food or hand feed it to her to get her to eat.

Also, if you feel she has an illness, it would be best to take her inside, also, so that ur other chickens do not catch it. I don't know if it will spread to quail, but better safe than sorry. And, about the poop - I'm not sure for chickens, but for ducks, I don't think that poop is normal (You obviously don't have ducks so I'm not sure how much this would help you, sorry).

So, how often does she move? Does she seem in pain/distress? How do the other chickens treat her? Does she seem bored/depressed?
Sorry for all the questions lol, I will try to help..

Pls note that I am By No Means an expert...I am just doing what I can to help ur chicken until someone else comes along. If I give u advice and someone more experienced contradicts me, LISTEN TO THEM!! But, in the meantime, I wont tell u to do anything to hurt ur chicken.
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Lame chcikens are never a good sign, it is usually always a sign something is wrong. You said shes puffed up and moody, Could she be broody? Is she sitting on eggs?
Ive never heard of green watery poop, mine always get the yellow kind when they are sick, here is a link to the poop chart, you can check it and it may give you an idea of what your dealing with.

As for Coccidiosis There are many species of coccidia that can infect fowl, domestic animals and humans. ... Chickens are susceptible to any of nine coccidia species, turkeys are susceptible to seven species and quail are susceptible to at least four different species of coccidia.
Corrid treats coccidia and can be bought at any feed store. All fowl would need to be treated.

Good luck, I hope you hen gets better soon!
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I have no idea, but i took it upon myself to search the threads for green poop and this article came up seems alot of people have went through what you are going through, no symptoms other than a lethargic hen and green poop unfortunately some of these hens ended up dying, so its worth a read and possibly a vet visit just in case! HTH
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Check her over really good,, make sure theres no bubbles in her eyes, crusty noses, raspy breathing (respitory illnesses) smell her face make sure it doesnt stink (coryza) Check her crop to make sure it isnt squishy or hard, check her vent area make sure it looks normal (not swollen or impacted) and while your down there make sure that you dont see any mites or lice, thats where they like to hang out.

If you dont notice anything just keep and eye one her, could or could not be anything at all.
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The green in the poop is bile and it signifies your hen is starving. She's not eating because she doesn't feel well. The watery poop may indicate an infection. It's not difficult for chickens to fall prey to a pathogen if their immune system is not up to par. More often than not, the chicken will overcome the pathogen and get better on their own. Others aren't up to the battle and they need an antibiotic to get better.

You can get some poultry Nutri-drench and try boosting her immune system and hope it will help her fight off the bug, or you can ask a vet to sell you an antibiotic for her.
She left the coop today. She's eating (I gave her live mealworms which she loves) and she was at the feeder first thing. I checked her again and there's nothing wrong that I can see. I still think the green poop was from the beets... She came back into the coop while I was giving it its daily cleaning, not normal but she went out again shortly. There wasn't any funny looking (green or otherwise) poop under the roosts. She still doesn't seem quite right though. Keeping an eye on her. I put BOB in their water regularly along with apple cider vinegar and oregano oil.

Would it be a good idea to treat them all for coccidiosis anyway?
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Good news! Just keep an eye on her.
I wouldnt treat for cociddia unless i knew they had it, usually red loose stool is a sign.
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Poop looks like this:

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