Sick chicken or something else


Aug 2, 2016
Clinton, CT
Our chicken will not get out of the nesting box/coop for over a week and now she is beginning to lose feathers around her face. This is the only one with this issue. Please help!

How old is this bird? Does she make odd noises when you approach the nest? Does she puff up when you approach the nest? What breed is this bird? Some breeds are more prone to being broody then others is why I ask.

This looks like it may be a case of a broody getting her feathers on her head pulled while refusing to get out of the nest so someone can lay an egg.
It looks likes a jersey giant which are quite broody however I haven't had any problems from mine. She's the biggest chicken and even keeps my rooster in check! Jersey giants are also quite docile (easy to tame).
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She is an australorp She is 1 1/2 years old. She does make a few noises and puffs up when we approach the nest. When we take her out of the nesting box this is what she does:
She's broody! My black australorp just finished raising chicks. It was my first with a broody and such a wonderful experience! Would you consider letting her hatch some chicks?
Here is pic of my girl with her baby's
Totally a broody hen. Normal behavior lol.

Some are die hard broody. This little cochin has been perpetually broody every summer for 5 years. I finally got her to adopt some chicks.

The chicks she is raising are 5 Black Australorp and 2 Black Sex Link.
She is die hard broody and I am a die hard Australorp fan so WIN WIN.
I didn't have a rooster either. I ordered fertilized eggs from a breeder in California. They arrived within a week and five of seven made it to day 20. 4 hatched one didn't make it out of the shell. After seeing my broody raise the chicks, I'll never do it any other way! It was awesome. She is such a good mommy hen and she taught the chicks to like me. They are the friendliest chicks I have ever had. They run right up to me. The little cockerel is the friendliest and my favorite
Our chicken will not get out of the nesting box/coop for over a week and now she is beginning to lose feathers around her face. This is the only one with this issue. Please help! You have a broody hen

You don't have to have a rooster in order for her to want to nest, it's just her nature.
If you don't want her to be broody, search for "broody buster", sometime it will work.

As far as the face feathers missing, check her over to make sure she doesn't have any lice/mites. Sometimes broodies don't take enough time out to dust bath and preen, so mites/lice can become a problem.

She is beautiful and I must say I do love the second photo of her where she looks like a porcupine.
The other option for her to raise a couple chicks is to get some day old chicks and hope she is willing to adopt them. The first time I tried to get Bitty to adopt chicks she was horribly mean and would not accept them. I raised them and sold them as started pullets. This year she was willing to take on raising the chicks.

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