Sick chicken please help!!

You’re welcome! maybe a good rinse with saline and then apply regular neosporin or Vetericyn would help her eye too. Im actually surprised chix don’t have more eye problems the way they go through life digging in everything and rolling in dirt. Hope your little hen gets well.
Thank you. We washed her eye with salty water and saline solution and that has improved it a lot.
I am mistaken, the mysterious greenish egg is actually from our Muscovy duck that just started laying. However, she is still not laying but that may be from being stressed from not being able to see properly.
Hiya, how’s your chickie doing?
She has opened her eye a few times. It is fully pale yellow on the inside, almost as if she has a coat of puss in it. She is still not laying, maybe due to stress.
Is her poop still black? Is her comb still a nice vibrant red? I ask because black poop can be a sign of blood. I had a hen with the black poop issue and the vet told me her intestines were very inflamed. She was severely anemic, with a pale comb. If you are seeing signs of anemia, she might enjoy a little beef liver treat.
Is her poop still black? Is her comb still a nice vibrant red? I ask because black poop can be a sign of blood. I had a hen with the black poop issue and the vet told me her intestines were very inflamed. She was severely anemic, with a pale comb. If you are seeing signs of anemia, she might enjoy a little beef liver treat.
I think her poop is normal now. She lets me touch/open her bad eye, which she didn’t do before so I think the pain has gone away. She will probably be blind in that eye but she seems fine now, scratching around and laying again. Her combs look fine too. Thanks everyone for all the help. 😊

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