Sick chicken?


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2016
My production red hen started laying 3 weeks ago. She has layed every day. She laid an egg around noon today. This evening she went back to the nest box and is making her egg sounds. It is well after dark and the other hens are on the roost, and she is still in the nest. I am new to chicken keeping and I am wondering if this is normal behavior? Between her trips to the nest she was completely normal.
In my experience the breed you are describing does suffer from this issue more than others. She is likely laying another egg. I had one poor girl lay 3 in one day and it nearly killed her. They have been breed to be super prolific and they can have laying issues especially early on. This could be cause by several genetic and physiological issues and she will likely grow out of it but it could take several weeks for her reproductive cycle to be more normal. We saw a lot of double yolk eggs from this breed.
Is it possible that she is broody? From my reading she has the signs. Puffed up and cackling. She spreads her wings why puffing up. I took her from the nest box and she rejoined the other hens, but soon she was in te nest again.

I had golf balls in the nest, and I remove her eggs everyday. But, I left the golf balls in the nest. She did not lay an egg today, but she has been sitting on the balls.

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