Sick Chicken!

It is a preventative to keep it from spreading throughout your flock and getting canker lesions in the mouth. Once a month treatment is all that is needed for your flock.
However, you still have to treat the carrier bird with metronidazole to eliminate the canker lesions. No need to give her copper sulfate now, wait until it disappears and then include her with the others in monthly copper sulfate treatments.
does the metronidazole have side affects like diarrhea or anything ?
we just ordered the metronidazole last night and it said that it will come in 4-8 days should I give something simple while we wait for it to come or will she be fine?
does the metronidazole have side affects like diarrhea or anything ?
we just ordered the metronidazole last night and it said that it will come in 4-8 days should I give something simple while we wait for it to come or will she be fine?
Can you get a few pictures of her mouth uploaded?
lilyanne canker pics.JPG

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