I have a 6mth old Golden Comet (Nugget) she started laying eggs about 2 wks ago. Recently, I found an egg or the white yolk and a long piece of the skin under the shell. My Nugget does free range as well as oyster shells and feed. Anyway, the next day no egg was laid, the day after that I got just the yolk, the next day an egg without a shell and day before yesterday I got an egg with a very thin shell and yesterday a normal egg. However, Today she did not want out of the coop with the rest of the chickens and is acting as though she is very tired standing in the same spot with her eyes closed. And soiled her vent area with runny poo. She is the first chicken I have ever owned...am I doing something wrong? Are my other chickens at risk and will she be ok? Help please!!!!