Sick Chickens

Chicken PeeWee

Jul 20, 2016
Hi I am new to Raising Chickens so I purchased several of them. I noticed that within a couple days one of them had bubbles in one eye and my Rooster didn't crow for about 4 days but he did sound like he had Rattled when he did so I thought that was how they sounded when they first started crowing then I noticed he sounded like he was wheezing so I called the Breeder explained about the bubbles in eye & my Rooster she told me to buy Oxytetracycline HCI and told me how to mix so I did started I did I then noticed my other 8 chickens started getting sick My Rooster really got sick so sick he was laying on the ground hardly breathing so I finally found a Vet rushed him to the Vet the Vet told me this Rooster is very sick he would be surprised if he makes it the Vet kept him over night I brought him home and Quarantined him He has survived thank god my others have gotten better its been about a month or so and they are sick again so what do I do is my question I am really attached to my Chickens and they are so loving to me they come sit on my lap always talking to me any suggestions would be grateful
I'm new to this posting and not sure if I'm doing it right but I did notice there is a red flag on my post what exactly is that for?
I'm new here also so I'm not sure about the red flag. However your posts are viable and in the correct place.

Im sorry to hear about your chickens.
I'm also dealing with similar issues..
I'm new to this posting and not sure if I'm doing it right but I did notice there is a red flag on my post what exactly is that for?

The red flag allows members to bring a post to the attention of the moderators - for whatever reason. There's a box to type in why you have brought it to their attention. Click on a flag, and you will see how it works.


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