Sick Chickens

Sorry for your loss. This is probably causing you a great deal of stress in not knowing. I hope you can find out soon.
Well somebody on another thread said something about their head smelling and that usually indicated infection. They said Tylan should help. Right now I'm testing it out on one bird to see if he shows improvement compared to the others. Everyday now I clean the gunk out and then put some peroxide/rubbing alcohol in their ears.
That is an awesome thread. I've never had thrush but it was very informative and interesting.
I too have used Vetercyin for wounds and wow...good stuff. It is basically a heavy amount of sea salt. Basically what the dentists say to use to kill bacteria in the mouth after a heavy cleaning, to rinse your mouth out with salt water for a few days following. I also liked the Listerine suggestion, but like she said in that thread, make sure it is the the kind with alcohol still in it. There was another thread I read a few days ago that said cream for clearing yeast infection for women works well too. I'm not sure what kind would be best or safest but it made sense.

Here is a note I read on the topic of thrush:
Probiotics are some of the underestimated remedies that help the body against bad bacteria. The amount of beneficial bacteria will keep the gastrointestinal tract healthy and will replace the candida in the body. The logic is that as the beneficial bacteria outnumber candida the risks of getting infected will be significantly reduced. You can get probiotics through yogurt and other food products. To fight candida the body needs to have at least 30 billion Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus bacteria. Make sure that you are taking in live microorganisms by taking a look at the expiration date on the label.

Here is yet another treatment I found page 6
Candida (crop mold, thrush)
Yeast – usually a secondary problem, prolonged treatment with antibiotics
Symptoms: poor doers, stunted growth, listlessness, roughness of feathers.
Transmission: does not spread from bird to bird, individual bird problem.
Prevention/Control: use copper sulfate treatment in water.

And last but not least natural remidies:
I've ready on this site of many people using one or more of these products for their chickens.
I tested out using the Tylan on one of the sick chickens and it seemed to work. He doesn't have any more gunk in his ears so I'm treating the other two roosters and they are on day two of three for treatment.
Smokey was one of four chicks that I originally got 18 months ago. "Lil Guyrl" as I fondly call her has survived a chicken coop fire, lose of her best mattie, "Flame" and the loss of most of the flock to one disease or another, probably "Mericks.
She molted about 2 months ago and still isn't her self. I brought her inside today to sit on the cat climbing post feeding her a breakfast offried egg, raisins and pineapple. She has eaten quite a bit, cleaning her beak between bites of egg. "Survive the winter!" I am tell her, I pray she does.

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