Sick coturnix Quail

Three Bird Stew

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 10, 2014
In the ZONA!!!
I have a Sick Coturnix Quail. My wife noticed she had a hard time standing up and would lay slumped on her side on sunday. We took her into the house to separate her and keep her safe. She would not eat or drink, and let out some very poor smelling diarrhea. I got her to take a some water and pedialyte. Did some research on this wonderful website. I purchase some corid and have been treating her with some of that I dusted in with her water and pedialyte. No change monday or tuesday with her condition. Because she still refused to eat or drink on her own. I on tuesday made her a mix of yogurt and Gerber baby sweet potato, and forced her to eat that. Its now Wednesday with very little change. Forced her to take some more Gerber baby sweet potato and still been using corid. I am not sure really what to do she looks a little disheveled. I just dusted her forced food with some Duramycin-10 a (tetracycline hydrochloride soluble powder). should I also use that or not? I tryed laying out all sorts of food including meal worms she still refuses to eat anything.

I also thought that their could be mites in the coop would they cause this sickness? I am going to get some DE powder and treat the coop as a safety measure as well as my other quail. I have the other quail's water on Corid and apple cider vinegar also just to be safe. They are all healthy and happy at this point.
Also I dont know how old the quail are I got them from a friend 6 or 7 months ago so they are in no way chicks.

Anything eles I should be doing or not doing I am still very new to raising quail?
Sounds like typical "quail disease". I am going through this myself with some 4 week old coturnix. You did not say when you started treating her. It can take 48-72 hours for signs of improvement. Sounds like you are doing the right thing so far, just make sure to follow directions on the dosing of your bird. You might consider treating her cage mates in case they have it too. Practice good sanitation, service that cage last and wash, a lot. The organism that causes this has spores which are not killed by disinfection so washing is important.

The pedialyte is good but if you can get electrolytes with vitamins for poultry that would be better. It's a powder you mix into their water. Your local feed store should carry it. If she is listless you may need to give it to her by dropper.

I would not use the DE, especially now that she is stressed and not eating. This is intestinal, not a mite. Also DE is hard on their delicate respiratory systems. The silica in the DE can cause silicosis, and tumors in the lungs to humans and birds. She doesn't need that.
Oh, and welcome to the quail forum!
Thanks for the information I have been treating with Corid since monday and treating with tetracycline hydrochloride today. I hope that is not quail disease do to that its hard to get rid of. I will treat the others with the tetracycline as a safety precaution. The good news is she fights me even more than before so she must be getting a little better.

This site is awesome!!!
Thought I would give an update that its been 9 days since my quail first shown symptoms of being sick, and after treatment she is almost ready and healthy enough to go back to the coop with the others.

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