Sick Duck - anyone know what it is?

Sep 26, 2019
Western Pennsylvania
I’ve had a sick duck for about a few days now. She’s 2yo and had been egg bound once in the past, so I first assumed that’s what it was. Now I’m not sure and trying to gather as much info as possible here. One day she started keeping to herself and not going off to play with the other ducks. (Just like when she was eggbound). Checked her poop- it was normal and I gave her an epsom salt bath and last time she pooped out a shriveled smelly white thing right after that first warm relaxing bath. Easy peezy with her there. Not this time. She’s on her 5th warm epsom salt bath now. She likes them, but isn’t pooping anything egg-like or strange out, and is still slightly distancing herself from the other ducks and walking slow. I figured she was on the mend because she’ll eat fresh vegetables but not her regular food nor her favorite snack- meal worms. And she drinks water still. But she just ain’t acting right and I can’t figure it out.
I would post in the duck forum. But, could she possibly be broody?
Broody? Huh, I did find her hiding on 2 eggs in a “secret nesting box” while checking up on her the day before yesterday. I thought maybe she was just trying to hide because in 2 years she’s never gone broody. I’ve never had a duck go broody. Does eggless-broodiness cause them to walk slow and hang back always from the flock? Anytime I had a broody chicken that wouldn’t stop, they would still lay on the same nest even after I took the eggs. They’d just go steal another hens egg to lay on.
I have muscovy, they are broody all of the time. Muscovy are in a "don't touch me" state when broody. They also will continue to be broody even if you take the eggs. But, they aren't slow acting. Have you felt for an egg? I wonder if she is egg bound and just not able to pass it.
I'm going to tag a few people. Maybe they have some suggestions.
@Miss Lydia
@Isaac 0
When was the last time she laid an egg? Do you have any calcium gluconate? It is a must in the first aid kit when you have hens especially those with a history of being egg bound. If you do not have any I would highly recommend picking some up from your local farm store.

Also have you given her a thorough full body exam to rule out any other issues?
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To check if she's egg bound, put on a glove and lubricate your finger. You can use petroleum jelly for this, if you have some. Then gently feel for an egg.
That works if the egg is down far enough to feel it. It could be stuck up further too, Not saying she shouldn't check for one. I agree on the Calcium Gluconate best stuff out there I think for getting an egg moving. 1ml you can try giving it to her over a treat but sounds like you'd best bet would be by mouth.
I’ve had a sick duck for about a few days now. She’s 2yo and had been egg bound once in the past, so I first assumed that’s what it was. Now I’m not sure and trying to gather as much info as possible here. One day she started keeping to herself and not going off to play with the other ducks. (Just like when she was eggbound). Checked her poop- it was normal and I gave her an epsom salt bath and last time she pooped out a shriveled smelly white thing right after that first warm relaxing bath. Easy peezy with her there. Not this time. She’s on her 5th warm epsom salt bath now. She likes them, but isn’t pooping anything egg-like or strange out, and is still slightly distancing herself from the other ducks and walking slow. I figured she was on the mend because she’ll eat fresh vegetables but not her regular food nor her favorite snack- meal worms. And she drinks water still. But she just ain’t acting right and I can’t figure it out. View attachment 2856524
How is she doing today? Have you been able to try giving her the calcium gluconate? Any sign of an egg?

I do indeed have a duck, Daphne, with chronic reproductive issues, although I don’t know if I can add anything useful. I will say that her eggs that bind her up tend to be soft-shelled monsters that can’t be felt. She even fooled her avian vet temporarily into thinking there wasn’t an egg until she had her radiographed.

Daphne’s usual signs of trouble include: sitting down frequently even while foraging, limping (the egg presses on a nerve), holding her tail low, straining (even very occasionally), changes in stool quality, hiding, and showing less enthusiasm about food. In severe cases she becomes frighteningly lethargic.

Are any of these symptoms ones you are seeing with your girl? Is there a chance you could bring her to an avian vet? Daphne often responds to home care, but she even needs to go in once in a while. If she hasn’t passed an egg and is increasingly lethargic, I’d be concerned about internal laying and EYP.

On the chance that this isn’t a repro issue, is there a chance she could have eaten something foreign like a nail?

Honestly, with the length of your duck’s symptoms, I would strongly recommend seeking veterinary care.

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