Sick Duck Help?


Dec 19, 2020
I’m looking for a little help with my khaki campbells. I’ve got 2 males and a female. They’re almost a year old now. Couple days ago the female started chirping and honking...not so much quacking. She has been active and eating/drinking like normal. Far as I can tell her bowel movements are regular and not runny or green. She’s been doing this weird movement, almost looks like dry heaving throughout the day. We isolated her and have been giving her clean water continuously and fresh greens from the garden. They’re free range all day and only cooped for about 6 hours at night. Any help would be appreciated! Trying to get a video uploaded now
I’m looking for a little help with my khaki campbells. I’ve got 2 males and a female. They’re almost a year old now. Couple days ago the female started chirping and honking...not so much quacking. She has been active and eating/drinking like normal. Far as I can tell her bowel movements are regular and not runny or green. She’s been doing this weird movement, almost looks like dry heaving throughout the day. We isolated her and have been giving her clean water continuously and fresh greens from the garden. They’re free range all day and only cooped for about 6 hours at night. Any help would be appreciated! Trying to get a video uploaded now

Increased breathing, and change in how she talks suggest there is something interfering with her trachea. There are numerous things that can cause that, the most common being foreign matter obstruction, from inhalation of seeds, pebbles, etc. Others may include gapeworms, pneumonia, and aspergillus, which causes obstruction in the trachea and lungs due to colonizing fungal spores. Trauma to the area that resulted in edema can cause breathing problems as well as conditions such as EYP, where fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity causes increased pressure on the lungs.

It is basically impossible to differentiate which conditions she has without diagnostic testing done at a vet office (radiographs, tracheoscopy, etc). In cases like this, treating conditions without any solid proof to suggest that is the problem, can potentially worsen the problem, and if not, it's more time spent allowing the main problem to progress.

With a bird like this, I would really suggest you get her to an avian vet in your area that does poultry. Best of luck.

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