Sick duckling


May 3, 2015
Got home today and one of my ducklings was laying lifeless in their pen. I immediately separated him and checked him over, he was acting like maybe something neurological was wrong, but I gave him water and as soon as he started drinking, he became alert. He's been drinking by himself for around 4 hours now, but still has no use of his legs. Anyone know heat this could be? He is sleeping and waking up and drinking water, but seems to have no feeling or use of legs at all! I'm very concerned!! Please help!
But they are still inside and eating chick starter and have clean water that is changed multiple times a day and clean food and cage. Do you think it still could be botulism? The other ducklings are completely fine.
But they are still inside and eating chick starter and have clean water that is changed multiple times a day and clean food and cage. Do you think it still could be botulism? The other ducklings are completely fine.

Ah. Doubtful in that environment. I thought they were outside where something like botulism could be contracted easier. I saw a number of geese from a flock suffer from leg paralysis likely due to botulism.

The consistency of feed ( chick starter is generally powdery ) and feed quality could be causing a nutrient deficiency. Here's some more info:

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