Sick feral chick pooped out a long white worm

Olivia or Oliver

May 19, 2021
Rescued feral chick diagnosed with Avian Pox and secondary eye infections has been getting worse by day.

Her breath smelled sour and her crop was mushy so I had been feeding her plain yogurt and pureed zucchini for the past 2-3 days on top of a small amount of starter feed. This seems to have cleared up, mostly.

Just now I was watching her poop and noticed that her poop was like a linked sausage, with what seemed like a piece of string holding each poop together and also hanging out from her vent. I tried to pull out the string but it cut off and the rest went back inside her vent. I went through her poop with a Q-tip and noticed that it is a thin, flat, and white worm with segments.

What kind of worm is this?

Her appetite is ravenous and she won't stop eating until she starts wheezing due to her crop being so full. We've been controlling her food intake to feed small amounts very often. It made me happy because I thought at least she is getting her nutrients. Now I'm not so sure anymore.


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I'm calling the vet to see if can bring her in today. I've only had her for a week but she has only gotten more boney despite eating a lot everyday... And during the physical exam last week the vet said she was already underweight...

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