Sick flock! Please help

Thank you so much for caring. This site has definitely lost its ‘helpfulness’. Perhaps the knowledge left? It’s sad. I lost another lady today. I’m unsure of what to do. Again, thank you for giving a damn. I appreciate you!

I’ve been experiencing so many things within this coop I’m unsure if they’re linked together or not. Random shell less eggs, really rough egg deposits at times, diarrhea - the Poopy butt and latharic towards the end.

No change in food besides more BOSS
Sorry about your hen.

No change in feed besides more BOSS, how much are you giving?
Any moldy feed or is the BOSS fresh?
Oyster shells provided free choice?

Have you checked everyone over for lice/mites, including scaly leg mites. Have you ever de-wormed your flock?

Have you added any birds within the last 30 days or so?

Laying hens can often have reproductive issues which can present with lethargy.
It can be hard to nail down what the problem is unless a necropsy is performed - you can do one yourself and see if there's anything obvious or send the body to your state lab for a more thorough examination and diagnosis.

Sometimes going back to the basics can help. Fresh feed, plain fresh water, check for lice/mites and treat accordingly, de-worm the flock and limit treats.
Thanks for the suggestion! It’s worth a try. I’ve been experiencing so many things within this coop I’m unsure if they’re linked together or not. Random shell less eggs, really rough egg deposits at times, diarrhea - the Poopy butt and latharic towards the end.

No change in food besides more BOSS. I’ll upload what they’ve been on. It’s an Extra Egg Layer. The first I had since a day old and she was just over a year old. The second is a rescue and I have not a clue how old she is but guessing around 2. She was a good 5-6 eggs a week layer. From what I can tell, all are eating and drinking. They free range as their run is not finished yet. I’m in Mn so it’s still cool here, thankfully!

I will be bringing the 2nd for a necropsy today. Thank you again for your suggestion!
Sounds like u need to find a different feed source. Do you offer free choice oyster shells? Is it possible they’re getting into something they’re eating that might be moldy while they’re out free ranging?

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