sick goose

BL chickens

5 Years
Oct 15, 2014
My goose, Guillermo, has been for about two days very lethargic. He has runny poop. Not eating well. His feet look discolored, not as 'orangy'.

I get him along with another goose and two ganders. They given to me about two years ago. I not sure, really, how old they are; maybe 4 to 5 yrs.

I pen them up and every couple of days I give them free run of an acre for a couple of days. They're on grit and leafy green veggies and whatever they find in the yard.

There is no pond but I have a plastic wading pool for them. Water is changed every day, twice if I can wing it. They also have three drinking water buckets of 3 gallons a piece.

Anyone have any ideas?
My goose, Guillermo, has been for about two days very lethargic. He has runny poop. Not eating well. His feet look discolored, not as 'orangy'.

I get him along with another goose and two ganders. They given to me about two years ago. I not sure, really, how old they are; maybe 4 to 5 yrs.

I pen them up and every couple of days I give them free run of an acre for a couple of days. They're on grit and leafy green veggies and whatever they find in the yard.

There is no pond but I have a plastic wading pool for them. Water is changed every day, twice if I can wing it. They also have three drinking water buckets of 3 gallons a piece.

Anyone have any ideas?
@BL chickens sounds like he may have eaten something toxic it could have been a plant animal or inanimate[metal, plastic etc] We have a link for flushes I'll get for you .When doing flushes they need to be done exactly as prescribed.
Old water maybe laying around in something on the property[not their drinking buckets] can build up bacteria also, well even drinking buckets and pools can but sounds like you keep those clean.. Might be a good idea to walk the property and see if you can find out what he may have gotten into also he could have an infection which he'd need antibiotics for that and it would be best for a Vets help with that.
Are you offering any feed at all? Geese are grazers first of all they love grass but if grass is left to grow long it can cause impaction in the crop, but if you live where you are experiencing winter then they may not be getting enough food in the form of greens and feed. More info would be good and how are your other geese? Body weight, feathers?
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Thanks for the info but I'm sad to report that my Mighty Guillermo has flown to that big pasture beyond....the rest of my flock is looking good and moving around like nobody's business.

As far feeding goes, some scratch mixed in with some steamed, crimped oats and veggie scraps (no onoins) this coupled with rolling around on the property is how they've been for the past two years.

I do tend to agree with you, though, about how maybe he ate something different.

Again, thank you
Thanks for the info but I'm sad to report that my Mighty Guillermo has flown to that big pasture beyond....the rest of my flock is looking good and moving around like nobody's business.

As far feeding goes, some scratch mixed in with some steamed, crimped oats and veggie scraps (no onoins) this coupled with rolling around on the property is how they've been for the past two years.

I do tend to agree with you, though, about how maybe he ate something different.

Again, thank you
I'm so sorry to hear he passed away.

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