Sick Guinea


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
I live in NE CO and we have had drastic weather changes in the last few weeks. One day it is 70 and the next it is -6. Today I noticed that one of my Fowl wasn't acting right. He is all hunkered down and I can pick him up. When I did he was breathing hard. What can I treat him with? I am pretty sure it has to do with the temp. changes. All the other birds look great. There is no nasal discharge, sneezing, or coughing.
Bummer. This has been a weird season for weather and egg laying everywhere it seems. I hope the little guy makes it. Sorry I can't offer advice - I'm not experienced with that. Is it a guinea, chicken? You said "fowl", but there are so many physiological similarities that I think someone will probably be able to help.

Good luck and keep us posted, okay?
Sometimes when they get to that point there's not much you can do for them... it could be from the drastic temp changes but more than likely he has some other underlying health issue going on with him. Have you wormed your flock this season? He may have a parasite overload that has weakened his system, and the drastic temp changes were just too much for him... but it could be anyone's guess as to what could be wrong with him.

I'd put him in a crate, in the coop where the others can see him, with a heat lamp to keep him warm (but not too warm). I'd also add poultry vitamins, electrolytes and unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar (with Mother) to his water and offer him some scrambled eggs with his regular feed and see if he perks up, eats and drinks. If he seems to be improving with a little warmth and food then he might enjoy some meal worms for an extra protein boost too, if you can find some at a local pet or feed store.

If he is off his food/not interested in eating at all, then he is more than likely on his way out... you may be able to figure out why if you do a necropsy (or have one done) if he dies.

Best of luck with him, hope he pulls thru.
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He was eating today so maybe there is still hope. Unfortunately we are in for another drastic weather change today into tonight.

Thanks for the advice.

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