Sick guinea


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 10, 2011
I have two guinea fowls in with my chickens. The one came with chickens that I had bought several years ago. The farmer said she just flew in with his chickens one day and took up residence. I know that's possible because last fall I came home and had one in my yard. He decided the first cold morning to join Jenny and my chickens in the pen and coop. This spring the sex of the new guinea came into question because I started collecting 1 guinea egg a day then all of a sudden there were 2 guinea eggs. Then we went back to 1 a day and the last 4 days I haven't gotten any. So not sure if Richard is Richard or Regina. However, beginning yesterday he is "off". He doesn't whistle, cheep or yell. He wasn't interested in eating the morning cracked corn or coming out of the coop. Usually he and Jenny are attached at the hip. No longer. I gave them vitamins and electrolytes in their water beginning yesterday. This morning, the chickens and Jenny came out to greet me when they heard the garage door (normal behavior) but there was no sign of Richard. I have checked on him several times yesterday and again today. He is either in the coop laying on the floor or by the door with his head tucked under his wing. He wasn't even interested in eating the grass I gave them all this morning. Hubby says he's probably just cold but I think something else is going on. He is uncatchable so haven't been able to check him hands on. Please help. What else can/should I do for him?
I have two guinea fowls in with my chickens. The one came with chickens that I had bought several years ago. The farmer said she just flew in with his chickens one day and took up residence. I know that's possible because last fall I came home and had one in my yard. He decided the first cold morning to join Jenny and my chickens in the pen and coop. This spring the sex of the new guinea came into question because I started collecting 1 guinea egg a day then all of a sudden there were 2 guinea eggs. Then we went back to 1 a day and the last 4 days I haven't gotten any. So not sure if Richard is Richard or Regina. However, beginning yesterday he is "off". He doesn't whistle, cheep or yell. He wasn't interested in eating the morning cracked corn or coming out of the coop. Usually he and Jenny are attached at the hip. No longer. I gave them vitamins and electrolytes in their water beginning yesterday. This morning, the chickens and Jenny came out to greet me when they heard the garage door (normal behavior) but there was no sign of Richard. I have checked on him several times yesterday and again today. He is either in the coop laying on the floor or by the door with his head tucked under his wing. He wasn't even interested in eating the grass I gave them all this morning. Hubby says he's probably just cold but I think something else is going on. He is uncatchable so haven't been able to check him hands on. Please help. What else can/should I do for him?

If he is in the coop alone try seeing if he will eat a hard boiled egg remove shell and mash up and serve if he wont eat is you have a real problem ......

Guinea are hard to catch and if you do manage they are really difficult
to check out after that at least mine are .....

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