Sick hen help needed quickly


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 17, 2011
I have a hen I had put a spiral band on. Didn't realize until it was to late both ends of the spiral had punctured into her leg. I cleaned it with betadine and antibiotic cream and for several days it looked good. Now her foot is all swollen, red and purple and she can't stand on it. I've given her a penicillin shot but it looks like it needs to be opened up. What can I do to help her?? I would take a picture but I'm not to smart on how to do all of that.
Mrstomcat. South Texas.
I had a chick with a leg band that the skin grow completely over before I noticed it. I seen it was limping so I looked and could barly see one tip of band sticking out of skin. I took a pair of pliers and pulled it out, and there was a lot of scar tissue and she was limping. I soaked her leg in warm salt water, then put neosporin on it and bandaged it up. In several days she was better. I would soak it in salt water daily, keep it in a pen away from other chicks and keep it clean. Iodine is also good for poultry wounds. Good luck.
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Water should never be used on an open wound unless it is bleeding. While the blood is leaving the wound it also prevents any bugs or germs in the water from entering the body.i would only use sterile saline in this case. Keep giving the full course of penicillin and spray the wound with an antibiotic spray.
Is the wound still open? You say it looks like it needs to be opened?? Does it just look swollen or does it look pus-filled? Assuming it is just bruised and swollen and if she were mine, I would soak with warm water and Epsom salt, dry it, apply neosporin and wrap it. I would also give her a baby aspirin.
Check it tomorrow.
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I have done everything except the aspirin and she is eating good today. I'm about to go out and take the bandage off and see how it looks today. I've been gone all day so I'm sure she is feeling neglected. By the way she does still have two open wounds but she seemed to enjoy the warm/Epsom salt water. She actually laid down and went to sleep laying in my lap. I have found you must be very careful with the wrap. It is very easy to get it to tight. I will let everyone know how she is doing later tonight. Kathy, thanks for your help. I can even post a picture now. :)
Darlene south Texas.
Sickie girl. Is much better today. She is eating good and her leg has no purple or red in it. Although it is really swollen I did see her trying to run. She was limping but moving around lots better.
Darlene south Texas

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