Sick hen HELP!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 22, 2007
I have a white rock about a year old who has been acting lethargic for 4/5 days.Shes wobblely and closes her eyes and shakes her head alot.All the others are fine. We free ranged them last sunday and she was fine.I wonder if she ate something?I know they sprayed the field next to us but she didn't go over there also they've been eating tons of bugs and even baby snakes and frogs(some type of toxin they contain?)She is still eating ,just slow moving and roosting alot-no coughing sneezing some runny poop and throwing up.Can chickens get tic parlysis like dogs maybe i should check for a tic.I know I'm rambleing but shes one of my favorite.Anything I can give her for the vomiting/diarehea??They haven't been around any other chickens and their feed is the same .HELP!!!!

She shouldnt be throwing up..... chickens dont throw up. Sometimes liquid will come out of their mouths when they are held and "tipped" at all, especially if they have a full crop.
Check her crop to see if it could be impacted. Is it rock hard? Use the search feature to look for treatments for crop impaction or sour crop. It usually involves flushing out the crop. I have not done it before so I cant help you there.

If she does not have an impacted crop, then she probably needs to be isolated and
kept warm and comfortable. If you have some ACV (natural apple cider vinegar) then put some in her water. I would feed her yogurt and cooked egg yolk, and chick starter (or mash/crumbles... not pellets) and even some cat or dog food for the extra protein. I dont recommend medicated unless you know what she has and whether it will respond to a particular medication.

Be prepared, you may lose her.
By the time chickens behave ill, they are usually quite sick.

I did the apple cider and crushed a tums shes still eatind and drinking a little she came out to free range today so maybe it was something she ate ,I felt inside and didn't feel anything ,she is swollen top underside under the neck and her vent is swollen. I hope I don't loose her shes a sweetie.

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