Sick hen, soft egg, egg yolk coming out bottom

Dear Wyorp Rock,

Thank you once again for your helpful reply. You seem to be everywhere on here, helping so many.

BR seems better this morning. First thing, I checked and cleaned the henhouse floor and there was no yolk. I can't tell if any of the poop was hers but there seemed to be a couple of bigger piles under where she roosted. (She is the only regular sized hen, the other three are banties.) She's foraging and eating ravenously, so that's encouraging.

Just knowing that she could pass the shell helps. I have a few obligations today so will keep an eye on her. Hopefully she will lay an egg! If not this afternoon will give another spa treatment and feel in her vent. Very apprehensive about that! How do the hens like it? Do they struggle?

Thanks again. I hope you have a great day!
IMG_1042.JPG Look!!
I'm glad she has bounced back. Over the next couple of days give her a little attention - see that she is drinking, if you have vitamins, get some of those into her along with some calcium and extra protein like chopped egg, tuna or meat.

You are certainly welcome:)

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