Sick hen with a twisted neck


9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
One of my hens was a bit wobbly yesterday and today she is sat in the nest box and her head is twisted round so that her beak is pointed at the sky. Does anybody know what this could be and if its curable?

None of my other hens are affected.

Any help is much appreciated.
Also could be wry neck! Please post picture.wry neck. is curable! I've had two cases in the past month one is 100% the other is almost 100% cured from can you post a picture of the bird please because if its wry neck you can treat her. Best of luck
If you can post a picture it would be helpful. If its wry neck it can be cured and start treatment right away. A picture would really help.
Unfortunately i put her to sleep as she looked like she was suffering because she couldn't eat or drink and her neck was swelling. (And i didn't get any pictures).

She was sat in a normal position, as if she was laying, but her head was twisted as if someone had taken it off and put it back on upside down.

Her legs were slightly stiff but not at odd angles.

What causes wry neck?

Should i be concerned for my other hens? The rest all look healthy.
So i quickly looked it up and it says that its caused by a vitamin E deficiency. The hen free ranges round a farm from first light until dark as she lives in the roof of a barn.

So is she likely to have been suffering from a deficiency? She is also fed a commercial layers pellet diet although granted she doesn't eat much of it as the larger hens scare her away.

Thanks for all your help it's much appreciated. :)

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