sick hen with horribly swollen eye and gray mass growing...what to do?


10 Years
May 20, 2009
I have an old hen whose eye is swelling on one side of her face, involving the beak area which has a growing gray smooth mass on exterior and also growing inside throat. She seems ok and is eating but getting thin and more quiet than usual. Eye is open a bit with bubbly fluid. I tried antibiotics in water and eye ointment to no avail. Does not seem to transmit to other hens. Any ideas? it's been 3 weeks.

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Possibly a mouth injury that's spread to the sinuses. It looks as though it may have gone into the bone too. The gray would be rotting tissue. Since none of your other hens got sick that would be my guess. She needs treatment asap. I would reccomend Baytril and Amoxicillian for 10 days given every 12 hours. She may need to be treated longer, but treat for 10 day periods so the meds can run their course. You'll need both meds since you don't know what bacteria is causing the problem (these two antibiotics will treat both types of bacteria). Good luck, 3 weeks is a long time for an infection to linger.
Could the bubbly fluid be puss? Is it possible she has an abcess? That's what it looks like to me. Let's face it - if it's truly a cancerous mass, there's not a lot you can do, other than keeping her comfortable. Probiotic and "raw food" (no prepared chicken food - all organic, based on nutritional requirements, plus supplements) diet can be tried - I've heard of people having a lot of luck with the alternative approach. It depends on 1) Is it an abcess? 2) Do you have the time/motivation to make her meals?
Is taking her to the vet an option? Probably wouldn't be for me, but I'd rule out abcess before you expend unnessary energy....abcesses only require a sterile lancing, flushing with dilute Betadine, and possibly antibiotics (usually Baytril or pennicillin). Good luck.
Thanks for the replies. Where can I get Baytril and Amoxicillian? This is my oldest hen so I am not going to go to any heroics with a vet, but I would like to try an injectable antibiotic or the above if it is not too expensive.
Talk to your local vet and ask for some. Amoxicillian is cheap, I just bought a bottle (I have a roo with a similar infected wound) and it cost me $7.50 for a large bottle. Baytril can be pricey, depends whether your vet has the real Baytril or the generic stuff that works just as well (about 8 cc of the generic stuff costs about $15). In this case, the meds would be given orally, .25cc of each per pound of body weight.
good question, when I try to look into her beak there is a streaky white/black/gray mass somewhat on the roof of the mouth going down her throat., her tongue is fine but the beak doesn't close like it use to but she still uses it. The other side of her face is perfectly normal. I figure she won't last too long but she just keeps on keeping on.
How old is she? I had my 1st hen, "Henny Penny" live for 11 yrs after I got her (at an unknown adult age).
The liquid Amoxi (pink bubble-gummy smelling stuff they give children) is pretty cheap - $8-15 - but you'll need a RX for it. Same for Baytril (a little more $) - usually in pill form. Do you know of a vet (large or smalll animal) that could set you up? I know people do, but I don't recommend Terrramycin (available at any feed store) because it's "broad spectrum", which, while it sounds like a good idea, is difficult to know how much the bird has actually consumed. You're supposed to mix it in their water (by the gallon), but you never know much they're drinking, whether enough medicine is getting into the system. I also have my concerns of "antibiotic resistance" issues with the Terramycin). If it's an abcess, and you can lance, clean, and treat the wound - maintaining a CLEAN environment, you may not need antibiotics. She should definately be in a CLEAN environment if you choose to treat an abcess situation (My spare bathroom is my ISO/recovery ward). Good luck!

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