sick hen with respiratory crud.....what's next step?

Hannah's Haven

11 Years
Apr 29, 2008
Hi all,

I rarely ever post but I really need some advice. I have a 1 year old buff orpington hen that has the crud. She sneezes alot and leans her head back trying to get a breath. Her appetite is not as strong as I'd like either. She is isolated in a cage inside and I gave her tylan 50 for 3 days. It has been couple days and I'm not seeing much change....for better or worse. She also has avia charge in her water and I'm giving her polyvisol drops and rubbing vetRX on her comb, etc. I have been through this with the whole flock before but they were not this sick and bounced back very quickly. What else can I do to help her? More antibiotics? I hope I haven't left anything as I'm writing in a hurry before I leave for work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks ~ Hannah
Maybe give her some yogurt for healthy bacteria....some scrambled egg for may have to try a different antibiotic like Baytril...maybe someone will come along with advice soon....good luck, I hope she feels better soon...:aww
Hi Hannah...Sulmet works well when I have a chicken with those syptoms. I buy it right at my local feed store.
This is a seriously delayed reply. Took my girl to the vet yesterday, and he gave me baytril 1cc injected twice a far no change. I have been hand feeding her baby bird formula and water with aviacharge. Anybody know of any other good handfeeding concoctions that will give her some nourishment? I'll do a search too. Thanks to those who replied...I appreciate it!! ~Hannah

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