Sick Hen

I don't think I would give her antibiotics - it doesn't look like she has an infection - the symptoms suggest sour crop or impacted crop, and antibiotics would not help at all, may even make it worse, as they will affect the good flora also.

Instead, do a search on sour crop and impacted crop. I would add some apple cider vinegar to her water - do not give it undiluted - and massage her crop. there are several threads that deal with this kind of problem.
i have another question for anyone who may have a response: i have a pullet about 4 months old that has a swollen eye. everything i read says sinus', but i just wanted everyone elses responses also. thanks
It's not sour crop... Her crop is emptying. She has had some respiritory problems (sneezing, and just recently rales in her chest). I gave her Duramycin 10 today mixed with pedialyte, and made her a mixture of baby oatmeal, baby food (beef with mixed veggies) and plain yogurt and she ate it like it was candy. She is doing a lot better. Right now she is eating and is running around trying to catch bugs. Way more alert, but still not back to herself. Going to give her the duramycin for 7 days. We also started the other pullet with the swolen eye on the antibiotics too. She has a runny nose, and sneezing and weepy eyes, but is otherwise acting completely normal. Thinking about giving the antibiotics to the whole flock as a precaution... what do you think?
It's not sour crop... Her crop is emptying. She has had some respiritory problems (sneezing, and just recently rales in her chest). I gave her Duramycin 10 today mixed with pedialyte, and made her a mixture of baby oatmeal, baby food (beef with mixed veggies) and plain yogurt and she ate it like it was candy. She is doing a lot better. Right now she is eating and is running around trying to catch bugs. Way more alert, but still not back to herself. Going to give her the duramycin for 7 days. We also started the other pullet with the swolen eye on the antibiotics too. She has a runny nose, and sneezing and weepy eyes, but is otherwise acting completely normal. Thinking about giving the antibiotics to the whole flock as a precaution... what do you think?
Runny nose, sneezing and weepy eyes do match the typical symptoms of Infectious Coryza. Meybe you can google it and find out.
If so, then some antibiotics can do their work.
Good luck!

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