Sick Hen


5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
Very concerned...For 3 days now my Leghorn has not laid and been very off and not her self. Today I found a soft shelled egg broken and real runny poop. She is not eating and stands off alone. ?????
You may want to put a rubber glove on with lubricant, and insert a finger into the vent to feel for a stuck egg, or remnants of the soft-shelled egg. I would make sure she has some extra calcium in her diet, and keep crushed oyster shell available. If there is an egg stuck, give her a calcium tablet or Tums (broken in half and given orally,) and let he soak in a warm bath for 30 minutes to help release the egg. Do
not do this if there is no egg because a bath will do more harm if she isn't egg bound.

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