Sick Indian Runner Duck


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
Erskine, AB, Canada
I have a sick duck :(. I went outside the other morning to gather up eggs from the chickens when I noticed one of my ducks was stuck in the pool. I'm not sure how long he'd been out there for, but he was trembling pretty good. I brought him inside, wrapped him in a towel and dryed him off, then wrapped him up in new towels and huddled him close to get warmth back in his body. He had shallow breathing and was raspy/wheezing after he was warmed up.

I'm wondering about his state. I've given him some water with poly tonine a complex in it and given him food (at first was regular food but he has not touched it. I've given him some peas with water/honey and still hasn't touched his food) but has no interest in eating. I'm thankful he's drinking but worried that he isn't getting anything in his body for nourishment.

What else should I be doing for him? He does stand up and walk a ways, but he pants a bit, has a wheeze and his temperature (to the touch/holding) is fever-y feeling. He prunes himself, but just ends up sitting down and not moving, even to get water that is right beside him. Any ideas of what I can do for him?? I'm at a complete loss of what to do...
Sounds like he bought a bit of bronchitis or pneumonia. I am not a vet, but I do have a medical background and some animal electrolytes in room temp water may help boost his immune system to fight the infection. Obviously keeping him in the house or a warm, safe, non-damp environment is recommended. Don't worry too much about him not eating right now. If he is drinking and urinating (determined by paper towels lining the floor) or pooping, that is a good sign. If he gets better, then he will show an interest in food as the breathing improves. Like people, he will not want to heat when he has difficulty breathing. If there is not improvement in 24 hrs, then antibiotics may be necessary.
Welcome to BYC! The best thing to do would be to get him to a vet, but I understand that's not an option for many, myself included. What medications do you have, human, dog, cat, etc. if I were in you shoes and couln't take him to a vet I would order some Baytril and overnight it.

Will post links for that in a few minutes.

Mommahenn is correct, he needs to be kept inside in a warm room, 80-85 is ideal. If he stops drinking he will need to be tube fed fluids. There is a tube feeding link in my sig, I suggest you check it out.

I will be keeping him inside at night. I did let him outside this morning when it warmed up-got to be around 20+Celsius today so I thought letting him out would be ideal; especially being around his duck partners. I will be bringing him in the house, feeding him more electrolytes and poly tonine at different times. Can I add poly tonine to a homemade electrolyte solution??

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