Sick Leghorn


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 1, 2009
Not sure what's going on.Poop is a little loose and yellowish brown.Her comb is all drooped over and she's not moving around alot.She didn't lay yesterday or today.
Not sure but you may want to separate her from the group. Do you have a dog crate or something to put her in?
We brought her inside and we put her in the tub in a nice box. Her feathers on her breast are starting to fall out.Her comb is flopped over. She is pretty responsive,but she isn't her normal self.She just keeps to herself. She's a 6 month old leghorn who has been perfectly healthy up until now.

Did you ever find out what was wrong with this chicken? Mine is doing the exact same thing? Please help.

Thank you

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