Sick or healthy?


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
Purchased teen to adult quail 7 days ago from a farm with a few hundred quail. They indicated all were healthy, and they did seem to all be healthy birds and the garage they were housed in was organized and relatively clean. The detached garage was solely used for quail, no cars or other items or other animals were sharing that space.

The quail were a bit stressed at first, of course. I am keeping them in the back of my garage, in one cage (that the farm gave to me), and this cage is on a table. I have a flattened cardboard box on the top because it seems to keep the quail calm. The overhead lights are on for approximately 18 hours per day. They are being fed Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles, and constant access to water. Over the last few days, I have given them some extra "treats" in the form of small birdseed, a millet spray, and miscellaneous items BYC "Approved" including cottage cheese, yogurt, minced apple, minced cabbage, minced parsley, cooked egg shells, cooked eggs (not greasy). Not a large amount of any of these items - they are primarily eating the crumble and they devour the "treat" and do not receive more "treat" until the next day.

I have noticed some odd looking bird poop, some of which looks red, some looks watery or runny. I'm sure most of it is fine, and am mostly concerned about the red looking poop. Also, the lone male is loosing some feathers at the back of his head - is he molting or is one female giving him a hard time? It does appear that there is a leader female, although I have never seen her "bully" any of the other birds. Some guidance from experienced Quail keepers appreciated.

I will attempt to post pictures after this. I'm not sure I will be able to as I am new to BYC.
Are you sure you only have one male? The poo looks a bit runny, perhaps 'bread and water' until they have settled?

Yes, one male - I've checked a couple of times to make sure!

Its been runny since I brought them home - not all poop, but definitely some of the poop. Figured it was stress. Then was reading they need a lot of protein, therefore the addition of "treats", and only 1x per day. I'll hold off on anything besides crumble for a couple of days to see how they do, but hoping this is not a sign of ill health or anything.

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