Sick or hurt?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 8, 2015
Central Virginia
I was out of town this week, but had my trusty favorite teenager and her family looking out for my free range flock of chickens, ducks, and guineas. Two young (3 months) chicks died suddenly, no evidence of injuries but I wasn't there to see if necks were broken or anything. They were near each other in the coop with everyone else out and roaming.
Got back and went to check, and couldn't find one of my favorite birds. Well, found her flopped over in the coop, feet and wings all out of order. But she was alert and chirping. I thought maybe something had attacked her and just not finished the job.
Picked her up, she's a bit floppy and definitely tired, but she immediately climbed out of the big bowl I put her in. She ate a handful of food and is now sleeping beside me in a taller container that she can't climb out of.
Thoughts? The flock is pretty isolated and free ranges. I haven't dealt with diseases before, so I don't know what to look for. Right now the plan is TLC and quarantine, but I'm not sure if I need to be treating the whole flock for something or what...

She escaped the bowl. She's not dead yet!

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