Sick or Just Broody?


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
Hi All,

We have a 3 year old female turkey (Martha) She was given to us about 3 months ago, and we're still learning about her! She's our first "pet" beyond a cat or dog.

She started laying eggs about 3 weeks ago. She couldn't care less about them... left them in her doghouse unattended. She was laying daily, then stopped for 4 days, and laid again. She would not get off the egg! We move her to a shed every night and she would not leave her dog house until I took the egg away.

Then, last night, same thing. She laid an egg yesterday and would not get off it. My husband took the egg, and called her to the shed. She would not go. She won't come out for food, water or treats. She spent all night in the doghouse. I checked on her this morning and she still will not come out. She is a very social turkey and loves to be pet.... but she just turned her rear to me and won't "talk/gobble" to me at all.

Could she be sick? Could she think she still has an egg? I've been reading through some of the other posts on here..... I admit, we have not done any of the worming I see recommended (oops). I hope we have not hurt her with our ignorance!

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Sounds like you have a broody hen from what you have said.
Was she with a tom before you got her.
I dont think she will be fertile so the eggs most likley will not hatch since you have had her for 3 months.
Do a search in this forum for Broody Hen and read the Stories.
Thanks... I will go do some more reading. She was an only turkey when we got her, no Tom. We've been eating her eggs. Maybe she's just tired of us taking advantage of all her hard work!

We were just a little concerned by her change in behavior... but hopefully she's ok! :)

Thanks again.

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