Sick Peahen question


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
I had someone drop off a peahen today who has something blinding her. Any help would be appreciated.
That poor girl needs to go to the vet ASAP. She's got a very serious infection.
Looks like an infection caused by injury to the eye. You will ned to have Q-tips, saline solution, Vetricin Eye Wash, and an antibiotic for use in eyes. Wet the Q-tip with saline and wipe the infection from the eye as well as possible, rinse the eye with the eye wash, and apply antibiotic. Removing the infection from the eye may involve some pressure around the eye to push it to the open.

It is terribly gross, but very necessary to clean the eye until the infection stops. We had a bird not long ago that required us cleaning the eye every day for over two weeks. I thought the eye was gone it was so bad, but the bird recovered and is well and only suffers partial loss of sight.
I had used injectable Baytril before I took the hen to the vet and I get concerned about overuse of that strong drug, so I was hesitant to continue its use. My journey with this hen started with her wiping her face on her shoulder and being agitated in general for a few months without getting worse or better.

I took her to the vet where she was examined, given a deadener, dye, looked at with a scope, washed, probed, and given an antibiotic injection. The vet confirmed no eye worms and may have found a source of irritation although it was not clear what was irritating the eye. I bought some cream antibiotic intended for use in the eye, ($25. per ml), and brought the hen home.

In the following days the eye got much worse. The swelling made the eye about the size of a marble and oozed yellow pus. When we cleaned the eye we removed at times about two ml of infection.
Obviously the probing at the vets office made the matter worse, the only negative experience I have had with her, but in the end the eye healed and she is able to see well enough to fly up to high perches and eat without problem.

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