sick pekin


In the Brooder
Aug 14, 2016
I have a adult female Pekin who has had diarrhea for several weeks. the vets keep throwing different drugs at her that are really not helping. sometimes she has the normal semisolid poop, but other times it is the diarrhea. she is not lethargic, or standing more than normal. her personality has not changed. she is energetic and eating well. she is laying an egg every day. any advice to slow down the diarrhea? the doctors claim she has a bacterial infection, but their meds don't work. she is losing weight which is normal when one is pooping as much as she is, but I need to get it stopped
I have a adult female Pekin who has had diarrhea for several weeks. the vets keep throwing different drugs at her that are really not helping. sometimes she has the normal semisolid poop, but other times it is the diarrhea. she is not lethargic, or standing more than normal. her personality has not changed. she is energetic and eating well. she is laying an egg every day. any advice to slow down the diarrhea? the doctors claim she has a bacterial infection, but their meds don't work. she is losing weight which is normal when one is pooping as much as she is, but I need to get it stopped
I don't know how you would tell diarrhea in a duck. Most of mine have watery poop daily and all are healthy. They drink so much water it makes their poop watery. I would add some probiotics to her diet. With the different antibiotics given to her the good bacteria has most likely been all killed off you can buy bird probiotics or use human ones but get a good one. I don't know about the bacterial infection but how did the vet determine that by fecal? I am glad to hear she is acting normal in every way.
they did several fecal cultures and that is how they found the bacterial infection. can you suggest a good probiotic?
also, I started a 2nd thread with more detail-I am new to all of this that I would like if you would read.
they did several fecal cultures and that is how they found the bacterial infection. can you suggest a good probiotic?
For my birds I use a bird probiotic I bought it on Amazon but you can go to any pharmacy and buy a good probiotic ask the pharmacist for a good quality one. The bird pro is mixed with their water. but I am thinking you could do this with a human one too. Some feed stores probably carry animal probiotics too. call around.

Sounds like the bacteria is resistant to the antibiotics they have used on her ask about Baytril but first research go to Poultry Pedia and they have a med chart you can then talk to the vet about what you have read.
thank you. I will go to Poultry Pedia. I have heard about Baytril.

Note that many while much of the dosing info on that site is correct, some is not, and Baytril is one that is not correct. I think the chart there says 10 mg/kg per day, but most vets seem to prescribe twice that amount.


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