sick pekin

For my birds I use a bird probiotic I bought it on Amazon but you can go to any pharmacy and buy a good probiotic ask the pharmacist for a good quality one. The bird pro is mixed with their water. but I am thinking you could do this with a human one too. Some feed stores probably carry animal probiotics too. call around.

Sounds like the bacteria is resistant to the antibiotics they have used on her ask about Baytril but first research go to Poultry Pedia and they have a med chart you can then talk to the vet about what you have read.

which probiotic do you use? there are several on Amazon.
How is your Pekin doing today?

still sick. she sees another vet on Saturday. I have been seeing the rookie(I didn't know) that did not even study avian vet stuff. the vet I see on Saturday is the really experienced one who did avian studies. why they gave me the vet without that background is beyond me. Hopefully this other vet can actually be helpful
I had the same issue with my Pekin girl! I added some grated apple, you can try plain yogurt (mine didn't like it), Brewers yeast (I give mine that daily), dill, and cooked brown rice. I tired all different combos to see what helped her best because I didn't want her to be on strong medicine.
I also had some pedilyte from my son to her nightly water since I was told the diarrhea take away the body's nutrients.
Hope this helps!

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